Counihan Gallery
Melbourne, Australia
24 May - 24 June 2012
For more Media Release, click here
For Artist Statement, click here
A Room for Ordering Memory, continues Melanie Jayne Taylor's interest in the role of photography and the archive.
Her visually dramatic photographs locate the viewer in a narrative of anonymous views. Each is a record of a place the artist has known, and attempts to distil the varied ways in which we recall lived experience. From civic structures and descending stairways to majestic vistas, a human presence is implied rather than represented. The absence of people in these photographs, and the prevalence of navigational sites (such as pathways, archways and stairways), contributes to a questioning of the way we experience the world around us.
As viewers, we are invited to consider how our environment is shaped by intersecting lines and curves, and how this geometry enables certain encounters and experiences to occur.